National Pet Day

National Pet Day

Boosting your Pet Business using Digital Marketing

Happy National Pet Day!

A day when pet lovers across the UK celebrate the love for our furry friends, whether that be through an extended trip to the park, extra cuddles or a present or two for our beloved pets to enjoy.

If you’re currently running a business in the pet industry, you’ll know that it can be a dog-eat-dog world out there. Trying to get your products seen by the right audiences, while competing with the big dogs can be a daunting task. But fear not! We’ve listed below some of our favourite tips to boost your pet business using digital marketing.  

1. Content, Content, Content! 

The great thing about pet owners is that they love to hear about, learn about and talk about their pets. Use this to your advantage by consistently posting images of your products, along with its users on social media, along with educational content and tips and tricks on your website blog. Don’t forgot user generated content, encourage your customers to snap a photo of their furbaby using your products using a hashtag created by you to collate a bank of user generated images.  


National Pet Day

2. Keep your customers in the loop with email marketing  

Embed an email sign up widget to your website so that you can keep your customers and audience up to date with all of the latest news at your business. You can use this to create email campaigns which warm up your audience with market news and educational content before offering an exclusive promotion on your products.  

 3. Reach out to the top dogs with an influencer campaign 

Do your research on which furry influencers your ideal customers are following on social, then reach out to them with the offer of free products in exchange for a review on their platform. If you want to go the extra mile, offer their followers a special discount if they purchase within a limited time.  

Using the above tips will help you on the right track to showcase your products to pet owners. It’s important to remember that in the pet industry, word-of-mouth marketing is powerful. Providing excellent customer service, offering high-quality products, and creating a memorable experience for pets and their owners can go a long way in building brand awareness and loyalty. 

Do you want help marketing your pet business?

Get in touch to see how we can help.