Wellbeing in the workplace

Wellbeing at Work: 3 Employee Wellness Ideas

Just Bee Social was launched in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic and at the moment is still 100% remote. We’re totally grateful for Zoom, Teams and the rest of the virtual tools that make collaborating easier than ever. But, we’re also very conscious that without a real-life staff room that employee wellbeing needs to be prioritised. 

Like lots of companies, we’re always looking for ways to ensure that our team is happy and motivated in their own home offices. That’s why we launched our Just Bee Well programme, where we try out different ways to look after our mental health and wellbeing. 

We’ve listed 3 of our Wellbeing at work ideas below. 

Get Journalling

Back in November, with the darker months creeping in, bad weather and lots of negativity in the news (what’s new?), we made a decision to practice positivity. We all received a brand spanking new positivity “6 Minute Journal” that included some light reading around building positive habits and daily prompts to make journaling easy and gratitude for the small things natural

Get Outside

Yes we had our journals and that’s a great start but also realised we were glued to our screens a little too much. To motivate us to get outside we set ourselves a competition, get outdoors every lunchtime, whether it’s for 5 minutes or 50 and send a photo to the group WhatsApp. The public got to vote for the best photo and there was a prize for the winner.

Just Bee Well
Creative Director Jess excited to receive her journal.

Get Away

As we headed into 2023 with the team getting bigger but still working remotely, we knew some quality time together in person would be essential. Not only that, January is the bluest month right? Having something to look forward to makes it that little bit easier. That’s why in March we’ll be heading to Windermere for a weekend of fun and fresh air. 

Wellness means different things to different people in different industries. For us, as digital marketers we’re particularly conscious of our screen time and remote working. Not only that, we appreciate that we spend 70% of our week at work, so it makes sense that it’s enjoyable too right? Looking forward to seeing what Just Bee Well brings for the rest of 2023.