Social media ideas for your drinks business on world cocktail day

World Cocktail Day 2023

Showcasing your drinks business on social media

If you’re an drinks brand, you know that World Cocktail Day 2023 is right around the corner. This is a great opportunity to shout about your brand online and get in front of all those cocktail connoisseurs out there!  

If you’re  looking to amp up your social media game, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s world, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their audience and showcase their products. So, if you want to make a splash and get noticed, here are some fun social media tips for drinks brands that you can use to celebrate World Cocktail Day and beyond: 

Get Creative with Visuals 

Let’s face it, social media is all about aesthetics. So, make sure your cocktail brand stands out with visually appealing content. With the big guys like Instagram and Tiktok now demanding a mixture of photo and video content, it’s important to experiment with different styles to grab your audience’s attention. Showcase some delicious cocktails using your brand with high-quality images and videos that make your followers drool. 

Share Your Recipes 

Your drinks are what make you unique, so why not share your recipes with your followers?  Share the ingredients and instructions for creating your cocktails in a fun and engaging way. This could be some video content the cocktail being made by a mixologist, or a recipe card for your audience to print and stick to the fridge. You could even host a virtual cocktail-making class for your audience to get involved in. If you find your followers engaging with recipe ideas why not create a series that you can use for regular content and on your website to attract more organic traffic?

 Engage with Your Audience 

Social media is all about building relationships, so make sure you engage with your followers. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage your followers to share their own cocktail creations. You can even run contests and giveaways to keep your audience engaged and excited. Some of our favourite ways to get followers engaging is by using quizzes and question features on Instagram stories, or polls on LinkedIn.  

Collaborate with Influencers 

Influencer marketing is a great way to expand your reach and connect with new audiences. Reach out to social media influencers in the food or drink niche and collaborate with them to create content that promotes your brand. This could be in the form of sponsored posts or hosting events together.  

Use Hashtags 

Hashtags are an essential tool for making your content discoverable on social media. Use relevant hashtags to make sure your posts appear in searches and reach a wider audience. You can even create your own branded hashtags to make it easier for your followers to find your content. If you’re posting on social media for World Cocktail Day, use some of the following hashtags to get in front of the right audience: #worldcocktailday2023 #mixology #mixologists #cocktailsofinstagram #cocktailhour #cocktailtime #cocktaillover  

So, there you have it, some fun social media tips for your drinks brand. Remember, social media is all about having fun and creating connections, so let your brand’s personality shine through in your content. Cheers to making your social media presence sparkle! 

Do you need some help with running social media for your drinks business?

At Just Bee Social we can help with creating content, running campaigns and engagement for your drinks brand on social media. Get in touch to see how we can help you today! But don’t just take our word for it, check out the content that we produced for Moment Kombucha.