Young woman using her phone and smiling

World Social Media Day

Using social media to have a positive influence

World Social Media Day is just around the corner, and what kind of social media agency would we be if we didn’t talk about it?! On Friday 30th June we celebrate the power of social media and its ability to connect us with people all around the world. While social media is often criticised for its negative impact, it also has the potential to bring about positive change and make a real difference in people’s lives. In this blog, we’ll explore how to use the platform to have a positive impact and spread cheer. 

Spread Positivity

One of the easiest ways to use social media for good is to spread positivity. Share happy news, inspirational quotes, or funny memes. Congratulate friends on their achievements and celebrate their successes. By doing this, you’re not only making someone else’s day a little bit brighter, but you’re also spreading joy and happiness to those who see your post. 

Volunteer Your Time

Social media is a great tool for connecting with organisations and causes that you’re passionate about. Follow their pages, share their posts, and donate if you’re able to. But, you can also take it a step further by volunteering your time. Many organisations are in need of marketing managers or content creators. By volunteering your skills, you’re helping to spread the word about the cause and make a difference in the lives of others. 

Raise Awareness

Social media is also a powerful tool for raising awareness about important issues. Share news articles, videos, and infographics that educate your followers about current events or social issues. Use your platform to amplify voices that are often marginalised or unheard. By doing so, you’re helping to promote empathy, understanding, and inclusivity. 

Check in on a friend

While social media is a great place to meet new people from all walks of live, don’t forget to check in on those closest to you. Sending a quick message or tagging them in a photo or meme will remind them that you’re thinking of them and help to nurture your relationship when life gets too busy to catch up in person.  

Be Kind

Above all, be kind. Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Make a conscious effort to be kind in your interactions with others. This means avoiding hurtful comments, spreading rumours, or engaging in online drama. Instead, focus on building positive relationships with your followers and being a source of encouragement and support. 

In conclusion, social media has the power to bring about positive change in the world. By spreading positivity, volunteering your time, raising awareness, and being kind, you can make a difference in the lives of others. So, let’s celebrate by using our platforms to spread cheer and make the world a little bit brighter!