Plan your business’ social media content effectively with a Content Calendar.

Planning content for social media is not an easy task. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration like the time of the day, the type of content, and the audience. 

A social media content calendar can help you in this process by providing a framework for you to follow. It will help you in organising your content and make sure that it reaches your audience effectively. 

What is a content calendar?

A content calendar is the schedule for publishing content on social media. It helps you to organize your posts and make sure that you are not missing any opportunities to create new content.

Social media is a great way to market your business. The trick, however, is to make sure that you are not wasting time on it by publishing the same old posts over and over again.

Content calendars will help you publish different types of posts every day and keep your followers engaged.

The key to success with social media marketing is consistency and creativity. A good content calendar will help with both of those things because it allows you to publish new, engaging content for your followers every day.

Why do I need a content calendar?

A social media content calendar is a document that contains a list of posts, topics, and ideas that will be published on social media. 

A social media content calendar helps with the following: 

  • It helps you to plan your posts in advance
  • It can help you to create a schedule for your posts
  • It can help you to avoid posting too much on any one day or time
  • It can help you make sure that you post at the best time for your audience(s)

What should be in my content calendar?

This is the way you talk with your customers. This is what they expect from you as a business. You can find the answers by asking a few questions. 

  • What questions do people have before they use my products or services?
  • What questions do people have about my industry?
  • What issues do customers have during the process?
  • Are there frequent changes within the industry? What do people want to know?
  • Do I want to take a serious or a fun approach?

Social media content ideas: 

  • Theme based posts #TuesdayTips or #HowToFriday
  • Case studies
  • Share your company history
  • Blogs
  • Customer/ client shout outs
  • User generated content
  • Inspirational posts
  • Behind the scenes of your business
  • Webinars or videos
  • Success stories
  • Infographics or statistics from the industry
  • Guides or whitepapers 

The key to success with social media marketing is consistency and creativity, get in touch with us to find out how we can manage all your social media activity for you.